During residency, David Teachey, MD, met two physicians who impressed upon him the need to study childhood cancer at the bench, so better care could be delivered at the bedside. It didn’t take him long to dedicate his career to pediatric cancer. Today, he leads the COG’s acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) committee. Meet Dr. Teachey and read about how ALL researchers are taking on the most common childhood cancer at every level.
When Philip Lupo, MD, MPH, was diagnosed with melanoma, it changed his life — and his career path. Now, he’s a genetic epidemiologist at Texas Children’s working to answer questions like what makes a child more likely to develop, and how a child’s genetics influences their treatment. Learn more about his COG committee’s exciting research.
Dr. Todd Cooper has spent his career focused on refining the way pediatric leukemias are treated, especially for patients with a high-risk diagnosis. Now leading the COG’s Acute Myeloid Leukemia Committee, Dr. Cooper shares how the committee is making monumental progress toward improving survival rates for AML patients and what’s on the horizon for their strategic priorities.
A Q&A WITH DR. MARIA VELEZ: CHAIR OF THE COG DIVERSITY AND HEALTH DISPARITIES COMMITTEEDr. Maria Velez, chair of the COG's Diversity and Health Disparities Committee is leading a movement to scientifically document the impact of social determinants of health and diversity at every level of pediatric cancer research and care. We connected with Dr. Velez to learn about the innovative progress committee members are making and what gives her great hope.
Dr. Brenda Weigel is on the front lines of developing new drugs for pediatric cancer. We caught up with her to learn about the latest developments in precision medicine — and how philanthropy makes a difference in her work.